Don Giovanni
J Mozart 's Don Giovanni must be a contender for the title of " most amoral character in opera" - he has seduced well over two thousand women. But despite his best efforts, he can't add to the total in the course of the plot- in fact his whole scandalous career is threatening to blow up in his face, as his past returns to haunt him.
New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra, conductor Sylvain Cambreling Act
8.05 Interval: The Met Opera Quiz
Steven Blier puts listeners'questions to Robert Dennis , William Fulton and Suzanne Martinucci. Send questions to:
MetOpera Quiz, FDR Station, PO Box 805, New York, NY 10150, USA.
8.25 Opera Snaps Rodney Milnes takes a sideways glance at this evening's opera.
8.30 Act 2