From the Edington Festival of Music within the Liturgy, Wiltshire. Introit: Sancte Pater Benedicte (Elena Vorotko ). Responses:
Leighton. Office Hymn: Gemma Caelestis (Plainsong). Psalm 119, w73-104 (Jones, Goss, Ouseley, Buck). First Reading:
2 Chronicles 34, wl4-15, 29-33. Canticles: Collegium Magdalenae Oxoniense (Howells). Second Reading: Acts 2, w22-41. Anthem: Infelix Ego (Byrd). Final Hymn: Jesu, the Very
Thought of Thee (St Botolph). Organ Voluntary: Toccata (John Sanders ). Conductors
Paul Brough , Andrew Carwood , Jeremy Summerly. Organist Matthew Martin.