9.38 Mathematics in Action: 4: Hypothesis Testing
Introduced by Stewart Gartside.
(Repeated on Tuesday)
10.0 Merry-Go-Round: 'Flying Breeze': a Tug
Introduced by John Hines.
Commentary by Peter Hawkins.
(Repeated on Thursday)
10.25-10.45 Maths Today: Writing It Down
Introduced by David Sturgess.
(Repeated on Wednesday)
11.5-11.25 Exploring Your World: Moving Safely
Introduced by Harry Armstrong.
(Repeated on Wednesday)
11.35 For Sixth Forms: Artists' Notebooks: 4: Vincent van Gogh
Written and produced by Michael Gill.
(Repeated on Wednesday)
12.5-12.25 Engineering: Craft and Science: Engineering Materials: 1: Cast Iron
Introduced by D.R.C. Holmes, C.Eng., A.M.I. Prod. B.
(Repeated on Wednesday and Friday - not Scottish)