Rve Crusades
With Donald Macleod.
There are many legends about King Richard - about his courage on the Third Crusade, his imprisonment in a castle on the Danube, and his rescue by his favourite minstrel, Blondel. A brilliant Handel opera dramatises his shotgun marriage in Cyprus. Music includes: Anon Etas Auri Reditur
Gothic Voices, director Christopher Page
Handel Riccardo Primo (excerpts)
Les Talens Lyriques , director Christophe Rousset
attrlb Richard I Ja Nus Hons Pris
Thibaut de Champagne Au Tens Plain de Felonnie
Gaucelm Faidrt Lament on the Death of Richard Ceour de Lion
Nigel Rogers (tenor),
Early Music Consort of London, director David Munrow