The players, Fred Hartley and his
The singers, David Lloyd and others
Presented by Doris Arnold
When a new series with such an attractive title is presented by the deviser and compere of ' These you have loved ', it is surely ensured of success. Doris Arnold once again will compere, and her idea now is to present a request programme made up of songs featuring the names of girls. 'Who is Sylvia ? ', 'Her name is Mary'—that kind of thing. Those of you who would like to hear a song round the name of your particular girl friend, or to have a song broadcast to her, if she has a very unusual name, should send a postcard to Doris Arnold , Broadcasting House, Bristol.
Each week, by the way, there will be a selection from a musical comedy named after a girl, such' as Sally, Irene, Betty. Can you think of some more?