from Blackburn Cathedral
Confession and Absolution
Versicles and Responses (Ferial) God of mercy (A. and M. 218)
Psalms 22 and 23 (Oxford Psalter) First Lesson: Esther 4
Magnificat (Moeran in D)
Second Lesson : John 14, vv. 15-31 Nunc dimittis (Moeran in D)
Creed, Vensicles, and Responses Collects
Anthem: Praised be the God of love
(W. H. Harris )
Glorious things of thee are spoken
(A. and M. 545)
Organ Voluntary: Plein Jeu; Fuge;
Lentamente (L. Marchand )
Organist and Master of the Choristers:
Thomas L. Duerden