A Play in Three Acts by R. MORTON NANCE
Arranged for Broadcasting
S.B. from Plymouth
Scene: A room at Trove Manor House in ancient time.
ONCE upon a time, there lived a Cornish Squire whose name was Lovell. He lived in the Manor House at Trove with Old Joan , his housekeeper.
They lived happily together until Joan began to go blind because of a charm which had been put upon her. Bet of the Mill, a friendly witch, had tried all her arts to break the spell, and to restore Joan's eyesight, but to no purpose.
So at last, the Squire mounted his horse and rode to Buryan Church Town, which was not far off. to see if he could find someone to help look after the house. On the road he ran into a great cloud of dust, and when it had cleared away he saw a young girl standing near him. She was very pretty and looked so miserable that the Squire asked her if she would come and help Joan at the manor. She consented and they rode home.
When they reach the Manor (Act I), Joan asks her if she can spin and knit, and the girl says she is the best spinner and knitster in the village. She says her name is Duffy.
So Joan gives her some wool to spin into yarn.
Duffy sits down at the wrong side of the spinning wheel, which in Cornwall they call a turn.' Left by herself, she is very unhappy because she has no idea how to spin. She begins to cry and says aloud that if she can only stay at Trove Manor she won't care who spins the wool.
Suddenly she looks up and there sees a funny little figure dressed in red and black standing in the room. He calls her by her name and says he will do all her spinning and knitting for her, and she can, if she likes, be a fine lady. He says lie will serve- Duffy for three years, and then if she wants to be rid of him all she has to do is to guess his name.
Duffy consents. The little man tells her to look under the black ram's fleece which lies on the floor. Duffy looks and there is all her wool spun into the most beautiful yarn.
Act II. Two years pass away and Duffy's knitting and spinning have become famous all over the countryside. Before very long, the Squire makes up his mind to ask Duffy to marry him.
All this time, Duffy has never seen tho little old man. but the very afternoon she promises to marry the Squire, he appears again and reminds her of the terms of the bargain.
Another year goes by (Act III), making it three years all but an hour since Duffy made her contract with the little man.
She has done everything she can to find out his name, but without avail.
We shall not tell you what happens in the end, because that would spoil the story.