Appeal on behalf of the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association by a leper worker
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The British Empire Leprosy Relief Association is the centre of scientific study into leprosy, and advises Governments and others on details of treatment and control. It aims specially at tackling the disease in its early stages and has been responsible in .the past two years for the cure of more than seven hundred children. The Association employs thirty doctors, nurses, and other workers and provides staff, drugs, medical requirements, and vital needs.for more than twenty centres overseas.
Government contributions provide less than one-tenth of the £ 60,000 a year needed merely to maintain this work, and much more is required for its extension among the three million British lepers overseas.
The leper worker making tonight's appeal trained the leper choir that broadcast in the Christmas round-the-world programme in 1951.