by Eugene lonesco
Translated by Derek Prouse
The Grocer's Wife (Kathleen Helme ); The Grocer (Keith Williams); Berenger (Oscar
Quitak); Jean (Anthony Jacobs ); The Cate Proprietor (Ronald Baddiley ); The Waitress
(Doria Noar); The Housewife (Sylvia Coleridge ); The Old Gentleman (.
Denys Blakelock ); The Logician (Derek Birch );
Daisy (Andree Melly ); Botard (
Geoffrey Wincott ); Dudard (Anthony Viccars );
M. Papillon (Frank Windsor ); Mint Boeuf (Dorothy Holmes-Gore ); The Fireman
(Charles Hodgson ); The Little Old Man (Harold Reese )
Production by Michael Bakewell