* (Church of England) from Lichfield Cathedral
The Bells
9.30 Order of Service
Hymn, Jesus, where'er thy people meet (A. and M. 529; S.P. 551)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles, and Responses
Psalm xxiv
Lesson, Philippians iv, 4-9 Benedictus
Creed and Collects
Hymn, Come to our poor nature's night (A. and M. 524)
Address by the Rt. Rev. E. S. WOODS
, D.D., Bishop of Lichfield Hymn, Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my God (A. and M. 705 ; S.P. 492)
Organist and choirmaster,
Ambrose P. Porter
10.15 Interval