A crazy comedy by H. R. Jeans
Newspapermen, club members, etc: Edgar Norfolk, Ralph Truman, Malcolm Graeme, Laidman Browne, Philip Cunningham
Production by John Cheatle
Every club has its bore, but surely no club had a bore more stupendously devastatingly dull than Col. Wyndham Baggerley-Chattens, who told stories of such tedium and length that his fellow members despaired of what to do with him.
There are many ways of dealing with bores, and one is to suck them dry taking such interest in their stories that they themselves are bored. This is tried with disastrous results, which in themselves lead to the Colonel's being found with an elephant tusk thrust down his throat, an assegai run through his chest, a dagger in his back, a silk scarf round his throat, and a wound on the forehead from a piece of whale-bone. Nevertheless, the play is light-hearted enough, and the Colonel conscientiously boring to the end.