recorded in Portsmouth Cathedral
Introit: Call to Remembrance, 0 Lord (Farrant)
Responses (Tomkins)
Psalms 148, 150 (Stanford)
First Lesson (RSV): Genesis 2, vv 4b-26
Office Hymn (NEH 246): Holy
Father, cheer our way (Vesper) Canticles: Fourth Service (Batten)
Second Lesson (RSV): John 3, vvl-12
Anthem: Above the Stars My Saviour Dwells (Tomkins)
Hymn (NEH 385): Jesu, the very thought of thee (St Botolph) Organ Voluntary: Master
Tallis's Testament (Howells) Organist and Master of the Choristers ANTHONY FROGGATT
Assistant organist DAVID THORNE BBC Bristol