by Charles Dickens
Adapted for radio in twelve parts by Giles Cooper
2-1 Oliver Runs Away '
Produced by Charles Lefeaux
A child is born in a Midland workhouse to a poor creature who has staggered in from nobody knows where. A few minutes after the birth the mother dies and Mrs. Corney. the workhouse matron, leaves the laying-out of the body to an old pauper, Sally, who finds something of interest and value which she keeps. The boy becomes a ward of the parish under the care of Mr. Bumble, the beadle, who names him Oliver Twist. For his first nine years Oliver is farmed out to live a life of hunger and neglect at the parish nursery, and is then brought before the Board, who consign him to a life of equal neglect in the workhouse.
While there he is chosen by lot to approach the Master one dinner-time and ask for more. This rebellious conduct decides the Board that they must get rid of him at once. After an unsuccessful attempt to apprentice him to a chimney-sweep, he finds himself bound to Mr. Sowerberry, the local undertaker, where, on his first night, he is shown his bed in the workshop among the coffins.