in a Mrs. Tactless Episode
' Love me, Love my Dog'
VAL ROSING with his Melody Makers
Audrey Hyslop has had an extraordinarily varied career since her name first became known to London in Pelissier's Follies. Gilbert and Sullivan operas in South Africa, music-hall work here, there, and everywhere in impersonations of a charwoman, concert-party work in India- When the Bombay broadcasting station was opened, she was a sort of stand-by-songs, character sketches, monologues ... and this evening in a monologue she is to broadcast for the first time in England. Slices of everyday life, the type of people seen in the park, people with dogs all over the world, go to make up her amusing Love me, Love my Dog '.
-Listeners will welcome the return of Val Rosing , Henry Hall 's first vocalist with the BBC Dance Orchestra.
He is to bring with him to the microphone his Melody Makers, and will
introduce to listeners a new radio singer in this country-Suzanne , McClay, who is just over from Paris, where she has been singing in cabaret. She has a colourful, husky voice, and Bryan Michie believes her to have an ideal microphone personality.
Finally there will be a surprise act to wind up this Variety triple bill.