with the stars, the music the discoveries, the shows
John Cameron , Julia Shelley and John Mltchinson The World of Operetta
A selection from ' Song of Norway '
The music of Edvard Grieg
Cyril Fletcher Odd odes and all
Miriam Karlin
What a wicked wit!
Stephanie Voss and Jeremy Brett in ' Story Around a Song
Script by Robert Bishop
The song: ' Give me the simple life '
Hugo D'Alton with his unusual electric mandolin
Eight Men and a Girl featuring Janet Waters with the men of the Adam Singers in a musical flirtation
The Adam Singers
Directed by Cliff Adams Paul Fenoulhet and the BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Additional material by Dick Vosburgh and Brad Ashton
Continuity by Betty Garland
Production by Trafford Whitelock