Part-Time Interviewing
The BBC would like to hear from people in the London area who are available as interviewers for the Survey of Listening and Viewing. The work can be done in spare time and involves asking people each day which broadcasts they heard or viewed the previous day. Interviewers are paid, and are asked to put in about six short spells a year.
Applicants (over 18 years of age) should send a postcard giving name, age and address (in block capitals, please) with the name of the Borough, Urban or Rural District in the top left-hand corner.
If you are a housewife interested in interviewing children and free from 4.30 to 6.30 p.m. will you also put 'Free 4.30-6.30 p.m.'
The postcard should be sent to: Fieldwork Organiser (L.A.), Audience Research Department, BBC [address removed].