Royal Occasion: H.R.H. PRINCESS
MARGARET receives the Freedom of the City of London
The Meaning of a Grunt:
MARTHA KILEY tells ANNE GREGG about her studies of animal behaviour
Twentieth - Century Thinker:
THE REV. BRIAN DUCKWORTH gives a personal appraisal of ALBERT SCHWEITZER
The whole town was blacked out: RAY HUDSON 'S account of starting a laundry in Spain
At First Hand: PAMELA COLEMAN looks at a scheme to give sixth formers experience at work before choosing their careers
Reading Your Letters
Cookery Club: KATO FRANK and GEORGE VILLlERS talk to JEAN METCALFE about their favourite ways of serving soft fruits MARY Wimbush reads The Charmers by STELLA GIBBONS
Sixth of eight Instalments