from Leeds Parish Church
Confession and Absolution Versicles and Responses Psalms 142 and 143 First Lesson: Haggai 1, v. 1, to 2 v. 9
Magnificat (Dyson in D)
Second Lesson: St. John 5, vv. 1-23 Nunc dimittis (Dyson in D)
Creed. Responses, and Collects
Anthem: Blessed angel spirits
Blessed angel spirits offer praise undying, ever crying Holy. Holy,
Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.
Saints and martyrs praise thy name. Trinity life-giving, earth-borne sorrow leaving before thy throne, ever crying Holy. Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.
Father omnipotent, mighty in glory: Christ thy Son our Saviour who died that we might live: Holy Spirit, mystic dove. dwelling with us evermore; we praise thee, blessed Trinity.
With the angels' sacred hymn all thy might proclaiming with the mystic cherubim in songs of praise we join; Holy, Holy, Holv, join we all in songs of praise for ever.
Hallelujah, Lord God of Sabaoth.
Prayers Blessing
Organ voluntary: Choral improvisation, Nun danket aile Gott (Karg Elert)
Organist. Dr. Melville Cook