Guests of the Week: chosen from the New Year's Honours List
The Picture-Book Oasis:
The anti-cabbages: BRENDA PINOER and JOCELYN RYDER-SMITH on a Workers' Educational Association class. with a play-group
Try your luck: the competition game investigated by GORDON SNEI.L
'Well-packed,' 'Easy to make,' 'Good for social occasions': putting such descriptions of a product in the right order, and writing a catchy slogan, can win you prizes ranging from rocking-chairs to holidays in the Bahamas. Every year hundreds of competitions like this. as well as word games, picture quizzes, and anagrams, are used by manufacturers to help sell their products How are these competitions run, and what skills, if any. are needed to win them? Woman's Hour's answers to these questions may help you fill in your next coupon.
HUGH BURDEN reads Brideshead Revisited by EVELYN WAUGH
(third of fifteen instalments)