A programme-for children under five
' Our four-year-old daughter,' writes a mother, as a weekend treat, always enjoys listening to " Peter and the Wolf." Imagine her delight when, recently, your programme was introduced with Peter's song. Her eyes almost popped out of her head. " Mummy, the wireless can play it, too-not iust the gramophone! " '
Peter's tune, we have discovered, is, indeed. a pnme favour:te not on,ly with those of our small listeners who, like this little girl, are familiar with the whole of Prokofiev's musical fairy tale, but with many others who know it only through our programmes, so we think it will find a welcome when heard again as opening music this week.
Some of them, too, we know, are anxious to hear again tihe stories by Margaret Gore about the little rabbit called Twopence (which Dorothy Smithwill tell the-m today and tomorrow) and Mollie Craven 's David and the L:Mle Green Engine,' and another of A. W. Orchard's adventures of Charlie the CaT to be told on Wednesday and Friday by Julia Lang ), as well as Ruth Ainsworth 's ' The Dutch Doll ' (with Daphne Oxenford as story-teller, on Thursday).
Garhenne Edwards introduces our programmes again this week.
Elizabeth A. Taylor