ELSIE BLACK (Contralto)
THE Finnish composer, Palmgren, is best known in this country as a writer of Piano music. But he has also composed Operas and Orchestral and Choral Music, and is himself a pianist. His sympathy with his instrument is made clear by his own piano pieces, such as this Dainty Waltz, which we are now to hear in an arrangement for Sextet.
CESAR GUI'S father was a French officer who fought in Russia, and was left behind during Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, in 1812. He settled in that country, and married a Lithuanian lady. His son was born in 1835, and, like many other Russian musicians of his day, followed two occupations, for he entered tho School of Military Engineering and became a leading authority on fortification.
Possibly owing to his French extraction, Cui's music is less distinctively Russian than that of the other Nationalists of his time. He had this quality in common with themâhe was attracted by things Oriental. This little piece is an example of his particular conception of the East in music.
6.30 Time Signal, Greenwich; Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin