Introduced by Marjorie Anderson and including
' This Week's Menu ' : Ann Hardy suggests a menu for a well-balanced meal, based on her re. commendations in ' The Week-end Shopping Basket' last Friday
'Travel With Me': the first of three talks by Commander Stephen King-Hall in which he takes you on a trip abroad
'From Cardiff 25A to ITMA': the life story of Dorothy Worsley -1.
' At the Theatre': two theatregoers, who are not professional critics, talk about plays seen in the Midlands
' How to Shop.' ' Buying chair and sofa covers': Ruth Drew asks Herman Schrijver, an expert in this line, about the materials available, their price and qualities, and how shoppers can be sure of getting the best value
' Women in Germany': Barbara Bliss, who has recently returned from working as an official in the British Zone of Germany, discusses the present position of women in that country
Serial: ' Excellent Women' by Barbara Pym. Abridged by the author. Read by Nan Munro