(Eaglais na h-Alba) it Eaglais Ghaidhealach,
Ceannloch Chille Chiarain
Ordugh na Seirbhise
Salm xxiii (air fonn ' Crimond ')
Umuigh Salm ' xliii, 3-5 (air fonn ' Stroudwater
Lcughadh bho'n t-Seann Tiomnadh
I Righ xvi, 29-34, agus I Righ xvii, 1-7
Salm lxxxix, 15-18 (air fonn ' Kilmarnock')
An Searmon: An t-Urr T. S. MAC
Umuigh Laoidh ii (air fonn ' Coleshill
Am Beannachadh
Aig an Inneal Ciiiil , A. R. Greig
An t-seinn le Coisir Chiuil Ghaidhlig Chinnloch, fo threorachadh
M. G. MacCaluim
(A Gaelic Service from the Highland
Church, Campbeltown)
This Gaelic service from the Highland Church at Campbeltown is one in the series of broadcasts coming from Kintyre at this time.
The Gospel was first preached in Kintyre, according to tradition, by Saint Kiaran thirty years before Saint Columhn landed on lona.
The church was built in 1807 to replace one that had been used since the Reformation. The parish minister in 1907 was the Rev. John Smith , D.D., one of the translators of the Bible into Gaelic, and the church was intended to be a tribute to him.