Suggest an edit21:20Saturday-Night Theatre ' BARNET'S FOLLY'BBC Home Service Sat 3rd May 1947, 21:20 on BBC Home Service BasicView in Radio TimesA Devonshire comedy in three acts by Jan Stewer. Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Owen Reed The action passes in the kitchen and dining room of Melston FarmContributorsUnknown:Jan Stewer.Produced By:Owen ReedGeorge Growsell:Jan StewerHannah Mudge:Nell OxleyMark Lannacott:Norman KendallLucy Lannacott:Marjorie HobbsNellie Lannacott:Ruth PorcherWilliam Burridge:Walter LutleyElizabeth Burridge:Lilian AnnearHettie Burridge:Pauline HockadaySam Burridge:Roy HarrisRichard Barnet:Charles E Stidwill Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit