Abridged, edited and arranged by ERIC BENTLEY from the records of the investigation of show business by the Un-American Activities Committee 1947-1956 Radio version by BOB SHERMAN
The dialogue is taken from the records of the actual hearings that took place in what has now become known as the ' McCarthy Era ' in America.
With PETER BANKS, THOMAS BAPTISTE , JOHN BAY , ED BISHOP, HAL GALILI , HELEN HORTON , CHRISTOPHER MAL COLM, BOB SHERMAN , BOB WHELAN , THICK WILSON, RAMSAY WILLIAMS representing (amongst others) Edward Dmytryk. Ring Lardner Jr. Larry Parks. Sterling Hayden , Abe Burrows , Elia Kazan , Tony Kraber , Jerome Robbins , Elliott Sullivan Martin Berkeley , Lillian Hellman , Marc Lawrence , Lionel Stander , Arthur Miller. Paul Robeson Directed. by JOHN TYDEMAN