A slice of life served up by Beryl Roques and John Boorman
Top of the Ladder
Brian Johnston, at the Earl's Court Fun Fair, gives Sean Lynch, one of Parade's own panel of under-twenty interviewers, an opportunity of learning the job of a commentator the hard way
Collectors' Corner
Shirley Lindsay's choice of piano music, in particular Debussy's Clair de Lune'
'Straight from the Shoulder'
Outspoken comment from Parade's post bag on anything under the sun that concerns under-twenties
Letters for broadcasting should not exceed 400 words, Address them to Under-twenty Parade,' BBC, London, W.1. and mark the left-hand top corner of rhe envelope ' Straight from the Shoulder.'
'You're Only Young Once'
The Adventures of the Caldicotts
Script by Edward J. Mason
11 â ' A Case of Poor Circulation '