Community hymn-singing from Rehoboth, Presbyterian Church of Wales, Llangollen, by the churches of Llangollen and district
Conductor, W. S. Gwynn Williams
Organist, Ffrancon Thomas
Hvmns introduced by the Rev. John Owen Jones
Come, thou fount of every blessing
(Tune, Arfon)
Fly abroad, eternal gospel (Tune,
Bryn Calfaria)
(Continued in next column)
The King of love (Tune. Brynhyfryd) Come, thou long-expected Jesus
(Tune, Hyfrydol)
Wele'r dydd yn gwawrio draw (Tune,
0, come. hallowed Kingdom (Tune,
I to the hills (Tune. St. Asaph)
Who are these from every nation
(Tune. Y Delyn Aur)
Blessing by the Minister, the Rev. Aled Williams