from Islington Central Hall
Order of Service
Hymn, Man of sorrows ! (M.H.B. 176)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Lesson, Luke 18, 31-43
Hymn, And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee ? (M.H.B. 149)
Anthem, All in the April evening
(Hugh S. Roberton )
Address by the Rev. D. 0. SOPER, Ph.D.
Hymn, When I survey the wondrous
Cross (M.H.B. 182 ; A. and M. 108)
The first broadcast service from the Islington Central Hall, one of the largest Methodist missions in North London, was heard on May 19 last year, and the second is to be heard tonight. The address will again be given by Dr. Donald Soper, minister-in-charge, whose name is known far and wide by reason of his Wednesday meetings on Tower Hill, which he has held, fair weather or foul, for over eight years. His broadcast talks ' Question Time on Tower Hill ' were memorable.
Tonight's service is the usual Sunday evening service from the Islington Central Hall, the time being altered to fit in with broadcasting. The music at the hall is directed by George Irons, and the piano accompanying the service will be played by Carl Atherton.