(Daventry only)
Annual Meeting, relayed from the Central Hall, Westminster
Address and Presentation' of the Annual Report by the ChairmanâThe Lady Denman
Address by the Minister of Health - The Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain, M.P.
A movement that has shown phenomenal growth of recent years is the National Federation of Women's Institutes, branches of which are to be found in practically every village in the country. The multitude of interests covered by these Institutes, and the wide activities which are laid open for their members, must amaze anyone not acquainted with the enthusiasm and abounding energy of those responsible: from handicrafts to theatricals, from politics to musical festivals, there is hardly any activity left out of consideration, somewhere or other. The address and presentation of the annual report will be made by the Chairman, the Lady Denman, and a speech will be given by the Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain, M.P.