Community hymn-singing from the Tower Circus, Blackpool, led by the combined Anglican and Free Church choirs of the town under the direction of Harold Lighten. Accompanied by the Band of Bispham Parish Church
Conductor, Rev. S. H. P. Ensor
Hymns introduced by the Rev. Geoffrey Gower-Jones
Vicar of St. Stephen-on-the-Cliffs
Lift up your heads (Tune, St. Anne)
When all thy mercies (Tune, Contemplation)
Through all the changing scenes of life (Tune. Wiltshire)
Fill thou my life (Tune, Lloyd)
Lord. speak to me (Tune,. Whitburn) I need thee every hour (Tune, I need thee)
What a friend we have (Tune, Converse)
Saviour, blessed Saviour (Tune, Ruth)