Indian Music
0 played by USTAD Vilayat KHAN (sitar)
Ustad Imrat Khan (surbahar) Manik RAO POPOTKAR (tabla)
The programme includes solo items for sitar, surbahar, and tabla and a duet for sitar and surbahar
Given before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London, W.l. Applications for tickets should be sent to the Ticket Unit[address removed]enclosing a stamped addressed envelope
Next concert: April 30
Webern. Choral music, songs and chamber music (Josephine Nendick. Music Group of London. Heinrich Schiitz Chorale, Conductor Roger Norringtoni; Bach, Violin Sonata in C major (Edith Peineiriann); Schiitz, Motet-cycle and Geistliche Konzert