Stories from World History: The Great Wall of China
A Dramatic Interlude written by Commander J. G. Bower
China is one of the oldest countries in the world. [Her history and writing began thousands of years ago. Today there is time for one story only about China, and listeners will hear about one of her early emperors, Shi-Hwang-Ti, who built the greatest wall in the world, which dates back to over 200 years before Christ.
2.25 Interlude
2.36 Biology: Man the Experimenter
A.D. Peacock, D.Sc., F.R.S.E.
In a broadcast lesson last spring the question was asked: 'Do you think that man today is any cleverer than primitive man?' Many answers were sent in, and today Dr. Peacock is to discuss the views expressed. And Jinked up with this subject is the question of the rough tools that man, the experimenter, experimented with in primitive times. Listeners will have seen the drawings in the pamphlet by Boucher de Perthes. They have probably seen stone hammers and picks and the like in their local museum, or in some museum or other visited on holiday. Could they make a list of them, or add to this list by including any they have seen illustrated in books, or have read about?
For this lesson listeners should have their atlases open at a map of the world.