Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan in ' Foiled by President Fred '
Two poverty-stricken foreign devils, Sefior Grytpype-thynne and Count Moriarty, skint to the wide, are one day watching TV in their chicken-run in a King's Cross back alley when Neddie Seagoon arrives to empty the gas meter. Staggering under the weight of a sack bursting with coppers he foolishly accepts an offer to join them in a quarter-bottle of Maurice Ponk 's doped apple-jack. While still reeling from the effects of this vicious carousal he is introduced to Gladys Knees , a dia- phanous spy and part-time dustwoman, who induces him to sink further into the abyss of vice by partaking of a portion of heavily loaded smoked haddock. Before he lapses into unconsciousness he overhears the mysterious Count Jim booking reservations for South America, and he realises that once again he has become enmeshed in the plot to kidnap President Fred and relieve him of his historic portion of the International Christmas Pudding.
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray
Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott
Announcer. Wallace Greenslade
Script by Spike Milligan
Production by Peter Eton