Olive Groves (Soprano) and George Baker (Baritone): John Watt's Songs from the Shows (No. 2, Old Favourites) - Moonstruck; Come to the Ball; A pink petty from Peter; Yo ho, little girl, Yo ho; Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green; The only Way; Look for the silver lining; Bohemia.
Norton Collyer (Tenor): When hearts are Young. Dream away (The Lady of the Rose) (Ward).
That Certain Trio: Got a date with an angel (For the Love of Mike) (Waller and Tunbridge).
Carl Brisson: Tell me I'm fotgiven (Wonder Bar) (Kotscher).
Debroy Somers Band: Selection, Mr. Cinders (Ellis and Myert).
Time Signal, Greenwich, at 1.0