9.5 Tele-France
9: Loin de Paris~
Narrated by GILLES DATTAS Programme adviser MICHEL KUHN Production TERRY DOYLE
Notes for students and teachers available from CILT, 20 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y SAP, 11.15, inc postage
9.35 It's Maths! Solid Shapes
9.58-10.13 Capricorn Game
A series for children of 7-11 with special needs.
Mathematical Games: 2
Today Mr Capricorn's games are about place value. The players are children, and there is a song and a story from the presenters, CAROLE bHARRISON and DAVID PARFITT Produced by ROSANNA HIBBERT
Executive producer CLAIRE CHOVIL
10.38 Resource Units 11-13: Religious and Moral Education Man's Dominion
11.0 Watch. The Zoo: 2
A zoo is a good place for studying animals at close quarters - as long, that is, as you don't get too close. LOUISE HALL-TAYLOR and JAMES EARL ADAIR retell the story of ' Albert and the Lion' and end up with the song ' Going to the zoo '. Producer Juliet MILLER