Conducted by Prebendary CARLILE , Founder of the Church Army.
Unannounced Vestry Prayer, ' We Love the Place, OGcd'
Opening Hymn, announced by Prebendary CARLILE , Love Divine, All Loves Excelling' (A. and M., 520)
Short Prayers, led by Captain Brewer (of Headquarters Staff)
Miss Selser and Chorus, ' Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus ' (specially for Young People's Day) The Lord's Prayer and Creed Chant, Psalm 23
Eight Favourite Texts from the Staff. Story by Captain HANSON (Senior Prison Evangelist) Miss Seiser-Solo and Chorus
Talk by Prebendary CARLILE on ' St. Francis Up to Date '
Captain Spicer (Social Evangelist)-Solo
Hymn, ' '0 Love That Will Not Let Me Go' (the Headquarters Choir) General Thanksgiving Nune Dimittis
Closing Prayer and Blessing by Rev. Captain Prior (Hon. Senior Evangelist) Alleluia Doxology
Final Sentence from Prebendary CARLILE
PREBENDARY CARLILE is best known in connection with the Church Army, which he founded in the slums of Westminster in 1882, and of which he has been Hon. Chief Secretary ever since. He has written several books, including ' Baptism of Fire.'