(Section C)
Conducted by JOHN ANSELL
Overture to an Irish Comedy Danses Miniatures de Ballet Romance, Her Love Letter Intermezzo, Laurette Suite Pastorale
1. When Hawthorns bloom; 2. Poppies and Cornflowers ; 3. The Autumn Moon; 4. Holly and Mistletoe
Ballet Suite, The Shoe
I. The Sabot; 2. The Ballet Shoe; 3. The Court Shoe; 4. The Sandal; 5. The Brogue
IT is scarcely necessary to remind attentive listeners that John Ansell is numbered among those early broadcasters who attained popularity in the first year and have retained it ever since. Besides having conducted a great deal before the microphone in the early days, London theatre audiences know that he is a familiar figure in the rostrum at many of the West End theatres, notably the Winter Gardens Theatre in the days when George Grossmith and Leslie Henson were delighting London. Besides conducting, however, Ansell is one of the best and most successful of light music composers. Several times in recent years a complete programme of his works has been broadcast.