From St Edmundsbury Cathedral.
Introit: This Joyful Eastertide (Wood) Responses(Rose)
Psalms 130, 131 (Purcell, CH Lloyd) Office Hymn: The Lamb's High
Banquet We Await (Deus Tuorum Militum)
First Lesson: Exodus 13, wl-16
Canticles: Brewer in D
Second Lesson: Matthew 28, wl6-end
Anthem: Let All the World (Vaughan Williams)
Hymn: The Strife Is O'er (Victory)
Collegium Regale (Te Deum) (Howells) Organ Voluntary: Toccata from Organ Symphony No 5 (Widor)
Director of music James Thomas.
Assistant director of music Scott Farrell.