from the Cathedral Church of Christ, Canterbury
Preces: Thomas Morley
Psalms 69 (omitting vv. 23-39) and 70
First Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 37, vv. 8-19
Magnificat (Herbert Howells 'Collegium Regale')
Second Lesson: St. John 3, w. 22-end
Nunc dimittis (Herbert Howells 'Collegium Regale')
Creed, Suffrages. and Collects
Anthem: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels (Edward G. Bairstow )
Praise to the Holiest in the height (A. and M. 172)
Organ Voluntary: Piece Modale (Jean Langlais)
Organist and Choirmaster, Sidney S. Campbell