With Donald Macleod. 5: Death and Legacy. In 1916, Lili Boulangerwas diagnosed as having less than two years to live. Despite her worsening condition she was never more prolific musically, and some of her most plangent compositions date from this burst of creative activity. Lili Boulanger Vielle Prière Bouddhique;
D'un Soir Triste; D'un Matin de Printemps; Psaume 129 Martial Defontaine (tenor), Namur Symphony Chorus, Luxembourg PO, conductor Mark Stringer Uli Boulanger Pie Jesu
Bernadette Greevy (contralto), BBC Symphony Orchestra, conductor Nadia Boulanger
Nadia Boulanger Lux Aeterna Isabelle Sabrie (soprano), Francis Pierre (harp),
Olivier Charlier (violin), RaphaelleSemezis (cello), conductor Emile Naoumoff
Nadia Boulanger Vers la Vie Nouvelle Emile Naoumoff (piano)
Lili Boulanger Le RetourMitsuko Shirai (mezzo), Hartmut Höll (piano)