Appeal on behalf of The Servers of the Blind League by Miss Emily MacManus , c.B.E.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Servers of the Bhnd League was founded more than thirty years ago and, as its name implies, it offers personal service of all kinds to those who are blind. The main form this service takes is the running of Homes for aged blind men and women, and although in its two Homes-at Bolney, Sussex, and Woking, Surrey-the League cares for more than 120 blind guests, it still has a waiting list of nearly one hundred names. If only funds were available new Homes could be opened without delay to afford the shelter, comfort, and happiness these old people urgently need in the dark evening of their lives.
The past history of the League records the running of the Ellen Terry National Homes for blind, mentally defective children for more than twenty years until the Homes were transferred to the State in 1948; and the running of social clubs throughout London and in the Provinces until the London Clubs were taken over either privately or by local authorities. The League still runs social clubs for the blind in the Provinces, and renders personal service whenever possible to blind people from all over the country.