After a wounded fugitive eludes police by diving into a lake, a strange figure emerges. Last in the series.
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[Photo caption] Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) have never been closer to the truth in The X Files
The X Files 10.25pm BBC1
The Erlenmeyer Flask is not only the last programme of the first series but an important episode too.
A fugitive from the police survives being shot and spending three days underwater. Where did his superhuman strength come from - is he an extraterrestrial? According to Deep Throat, Mulder and Scully have "never been closer" to the truth (which is still out there somewhere) although Scully, and to an extent Mulder, thinks he is toying with them. However, by the end of the episode Scully has seen firm evidence that aliens exist.