A Comedy in Two Acts by JAMES BRIDIE
Adapted for broadcasting and produced by GORDON GILDARD
Characters in order of speaking
And guests at the hotel, played by : Shirley Fraser , Esmée Hymans ,
Hal D. Stewart and Eric Wightman
The action takes place over three
October days in 1922 Act I—Scenes 1, 2, and 3. The
Windlestraws' morning room.
Act 2-Scene I. The office of Windlestraw Sons and Co., Cordwainers.
Scene 2. A lodging in Glasgow. Scene 3. An hotel lounge in Glasgow.
Scene 4. The Windlestraws' morning room.
(From Scottish)
See the article by James Bridie on page II.
' The Black Eye ' was broadcast in the National programme last night