A thriller serial in six parts by Bill Craig
Starring William Lucas as Eddie Prior, Claire Nielson as Liz Elliot, Peter Copley as Cadwaller, Aubrey Morris as Spinner
and Callum Mill as Sgt. Forbes
From Scotland
Eluding the police, Eddie returns to the island where Liz has obtained the stolen projector and film from Shaw's widow. Kate Dewar, meanwhile, has confronted her husband with an airline ticket and false passport. Liz decoys the pursuing Cadwaller, who is after the film, while Eddie returns to the cottage to project it. The film reveals a submarine lying on the seabed. When Cadwaller appears to demand it at gun-point, Eddie stalls until the chance arrival of Spinner allows him to make a run for it. With Cadwaller on his heels, he is rescued by Helen, who tells him that she is a British intelligence agent.