Sleepless Nights. In the middle of a sleepless night the striking of the clock seems to enhance our loneliness, and in the dark, visions of the past arise.
Life's Waggon. Life is like a waggon, rumbling along and driven by grey-haired Time. We board it in the morning, full of strength and hope. At midday we are shaken and frightened by the dangers of the road. Wo beseech Time to drive slowly, and at nightfall, tired and weary, we continue our journey indifferently unto the grave.
Watz. Was it so long ago that we both circled around in a dance ? We were so young and happy, yet last night I saw her pale and dead and heard a funereal chant. Nought is left but the memory of that sweet waltz.
The Muse. Even in my childhood she was my beloved. She taught me my first songs and listened smilingly to my weak attempts at interpreting old rhymes. All day I would sit and listen to my beautiful muse.