Actress Lesley Joseph leaves her Birds of a Feather neighbours behind and joins in with the chaos at Noel Edmonds's "house" this evening. While Radio 1's Bruno Brookes and Liz Kershaw prepare to do battle with Blue Peter presenters Yvette Fielding and John Leslie in the Lyric Game, Keith Chegwin manages to catch DJ Alan Freeman off guard long enough to award him a Gotcha Oscar.
There's also another chance for viewers to call in to Grab a Grand or vote for the revoltingly lurid contents of the gunge tank to be disgorged onto a hapless victim's head.
Telephone: to choose who gets the gunge this week ring [number removed] or [number removed], calls cost 5p. And [number removed] is the number to call with your answer to a question Noel Edmonds sets on the show, and someone famous could win up to £1,000 for you. Calls are charged at 36p per minute cheap rate, 48p at all other times.