C. H. Middleton and Montagu Allwood
Listeners will be grateful to C. H. Middleton for bringing to the microphone again one of the greatest of living authorities on the carnation family to discuss carnations.
Montagu Allwood has devoted his life to what he believes to be the most beautiful of all flowers. He has had no small share in the vast increase in the number of carnations available nowadays, as well as in the hybrids between one class of dianthus and another. He spent nine years in raising and perfecting that lovely hybrid, Dianthus Alhwoodü, half carnation, half pink, and it was named after him by the Scientific Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society. He gave to the world Dianthus Sweet wivelsfield, which had Dianthus Alluoodii and Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William) as its parents.
During his horticultural experience there is no rôle that the author of ' Carnations and all Dianthus ' has not filled, from crock-boy to carnation specialist.