Conducted by the Rev. L. F. Church ,
Connexional Editor to the Methodist
Organist, Reginald Goss-Custard from St. Michael's, Chester Square
The address this week is to be given by the Rev. Leslie Church at the invitation of the Rev. W. H. Elliott. Dr. Church has spoken at a mid-week service from Chester Square in the past and has broadcast several services from the studio.
Reginald Goss-Custard , whose playing of the organ at St. Michael's, Chester Square , has been heard so often on the air, was appointed organist and choirmaster there in 1923. He came to London in 1900 as assistant at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and was appointed organist and. choirmaster in 1902. His Saturday recitals overflowed the church each week. In 1916 he toured America, and in 1929 he was appointed organist at Alexandra Palace. He has been organist to the Bishopsgate Institute since 1914 and recently gave his 1,560th recital there. He gives two recitals weekly, on Tuesday' at midday and on Friday at 6 p.m. He has written many original compositions for the organ and made numerous arrangements apart from recording.