THIS afternoon's programme is one of the series of National Programmes arranged through the International Society of Radiophony, whoso headquarters are at Geneva. This afternoon most of the broadcasting stations in Europe will give programmes in honour of Sweden.
The British programme, which has the advantage of being introduced by H.E. the Swedish Minister, Baron Palrnstiema, consists largely of orchestral music and songs, but other points of interest to British listeners are not ignored, though it is impossible in a programme of this length and character to treat them as adequately as they deserve.
Sir Henry Penson , the Chairman of the Anglo-
Swedish Society in London, whose acquaintance with Sweden during the last thirty years is probably more intimate than that of any other Englishman, will talk about some of his most vivid impressions of the countryside and of the people. Swedish literature will be represented by a reading of a short story of Verner von
Heidenstam (a winner of the coveted Nobel Prize), and of an excerpt from Ms famous book ' The Charles Men.'
It is hoped that listeners will get from this programme some definite impressions, mental, and perhaps visual, too, of Sweden and its artistic importance in the twentieth century.