by L. du Garde Peach
Scene 1 : The Back Door
Scene 2: The Park
Scene 3: The Drawing-Room
Produced by Lance Sieveking
A year or two ago that prolific and successful writer of plays, L. du Garde Peach, brought to life a real lady whose name was known to everybody - Mrs. Beeton, most famous recipe-maker of all time. Tonight he is to bring to life a character just as well known, even if she never existed in the flesh. Nine people out of ten, if asked, would probably say that this forbidding person Mrs. Grundy was imagined in the Victorian era. But as 'The Broadcasters' pointed out last week, she originated in a play called Speed the Plough a century before. This new play about her, specially written for radio by Peach, is one of his most amusing comedies.